My hat from
Draco Firewalker came in the mail today, and I have been out-dueled.... Even though my hat was out into the mail on Tuesday during my lunch break... and has yet to leave Las Vegas! I'm seriously resisting donning a Guy Fawkes mask and blasting the 1812 Overture ....

That being said.... my hat is lovely... and it fits and it's beautiful. I'm impressed! And I really like it. :-D I hope that my hat gets to him soon and that he like it... and that it fits his supposedly big head. :-D

I got some other goodies in the mail this week! 1st was the first installment of the UK covers from Cosmic Fibers... I have all the US ones, and it was absolutely necessary for me to have all of the UK ones too... The second was my "Sweeny Todd" color way... Which is actually Silver Silky Sock... It's beautiful and sparkly and I LOVE it! Despite it being "sock yarn" it's definitely not going to turn into something that will go on my feet. :)

I am not sure if you could tell or not but it is Malabrigo of course. I guess it pays to see the people who work at the post office once a week and get on good terms with them... Your hat has arrived and it looks great. Unfortunately my head is huge and it does not quite fit, it goes to the top of my ears... It might be the pattern though, I had to go to a bigger needle and knit looser to make yours the right size(I checked it on ronni)I am glad you like it. You were a formidable opponent and thank you for a good first round...
I desperately want to steal your Sweeney Todd yarn. Oh, and by the way... ONE DAY til DEXTER!!! *woot*
Wow! that's a fast hat!
and that yarn! Oh, for yummy!!!
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