Friday, November 27, 2009

4 Day Weekend!

I think that this weekend is going to save m sanity. I've had two straight weeks of hair pulling and stressors that literally were making me insane. I'm so happy for it to be over! Thankfully, I've also gotten a rather good raise out of all my hard work! :D

Continuing with good news, I've mailed out my package to Elanor. I hope that it gets there quickly. I had a lot of fun putting it together.

I've gotten some knitting done too! I've managed to finish a pair of socks and pick up Percy again. :D I'll probably be putting Percy back down though for some holiday gift knitting.

Originally I had this grandiose idea that I'd knit everyone their gifts for the holidays. Then it dawned on me tht the majority of my family, being non-knitters, wouldn't appreciate the work and time and effort so I've decided to only knit fr a few people instead. Sara's gifts will be done first because Hanukkah is earlier this year. (Or at least it is compared to last year.) I'm making her American Girl Molly doll a hat & scarf to match the ones I made Sara... This won't even take me too long since the doll isn't huge. :D

Other people that I'm making gifts for are my mom and Aynsley. But they're pretty quick knits too. Not that I should wait for the 24th to start, but I've still got time.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

What a Week...

This has been such a busy week for me! I have been SWAMPED at work. I've been so busy that I've gotten home later and fallen asleep on the couch. Lucky for me I have a very comfy couch. :D

I've got the majority of Elanor's kit finished and ready to send. I need to get a few finishing touches. I originally had planned to get it out today, but I didn't quite make it. :( It should go out in the mail early this week.

As far as knitting goes, I've been working on my newest pair of socks, but I've not gotten too far until today. :D If I keep at the pace I've gone today I'll have those done this weekend! :D

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A knit update

It seems I haven't had one in a while... Or I have, but I was SUPER successful with knitting time this weekend since I'm now on crutches and sick of limping around with them, so I stayed home all weekend. I have Veteran's Day on Wednesday to do the same thing. Work has thrown a monkey wrench in my weekend knitting though by deciding to have stupid company cocktail party. :P

I've finished Elanor's knitted items. FINISHED... Knit, Wove in ends, Blocked ... DONE! I really like them too. As does everyone who has seen them either finished or in progress. :D Hopefully Elanor will too! Now, I just need to assemble the rest of the kit and get the EXTRAS all in order. :D

I've picked Percy back up. I managed to get 5 rows done yesterday night before I got too tired. LOL If I stick to my planned "schedule" I should be able to get the majority of my Christmas gifts and Percy, and my new socks done by December. YAY!

Pictures of my newest socks, the Black Hearts. Perfect for any member of the Molotov's murderous girl group. :D I maybe watch this cartoon WAY too much, but I do love Molotov. And the Black Hearts. So what better way to use my new almost black Sundara. :D

Saturday, November 7, 2009

¿Dónde está Winnie? Semana cuatro

Ella está en el mundo latino, por lo tanto decidía practicar mi español con mis predicciones para esta semana.

¡El primer lugar que ella visitó es Ciudad de México para Día de los Muertos! Ciudad de México era originalmente una ciudad azteca armada en una isla en el medio del lago Texcoco por los Aztecas. Se va el lago, pero la ciudad todavía existe reconstruido por el español. Ciudad de México tiene muchos templos viejos de los Aztecas. El día de los muertos es un día de fiesta celebrado en México y por la gente latina en los Estados Unidos y el Canadá. El día de los muertos se utiliza para recordar la familia y a los amigos que son muertos. El día de fiesta se cree para tener comenzó con los Aztecas, pero tenía un diverso nombre.

¡El segundo lugar que ella visitó es Puente Alto en Chile! Es una ciudad pobre situada cerca del capital, Santiago. Encumbrando volantines es una actividad popular en Chile durante Fiestas Patrias, y es diversión barata para los pobres que viven en Puente Alto. También en Puente Alto hay un fuerte viento llamado Raco que ayude al vuelo de la cometa. Encumbrando volantines es muy popular después de agosto en que la lluvia para, y los vientos comienzan en la ciudad.

¡El tercer lugar que ella visitó es Olinda en Brasil! Olinda está en la costa del noreste del Brasil y hay una biblioteca pública ROSADA. Olinda también tiene un carnaval libre cada año. (Creo que hablan Portugués en Brasil, pero no hablo portugués. Entonces, este entrada es en español.)


To translate/summarize:

Mexico City, Mexico for Dia de los Muertos. Dia de Los Muertos is a holiday celebrate in Mexico and by latin people in the US and Canada used to honor and remember friends and famil that are dead. Mexico City was originally an Aztec city built in the middle of a lake.

Puente Alto, Chile which is a poor city near Santiago. Chile is famous for having fighter kites. Kite Flying is popular during Independence Day (Fiestas Patria). Poor regions of Chile fly kites as cheap entertainment.

Olinda, Brazil has a pink public library and a free carnival which it hosts. It is located on the Northeast coast of Brazil. Also they speak Portugues in Brazil, but I dont know portuguese, so that blur is still in Spanish. ;)