Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 3 Homework - Care of Magical Creatures

Part One: Please Describe and Explain 5 items that you would use for the care of Magical Creatures. ie: mittens for handling of poisonous plants, goggles etc. There are no wrong answers as long as they can describe how the object is used. You will received 5 points for each described item and 5 points if you post an original photo of everyday items found around your home to represent each item. (originality marker rules applies for photos)

My Originality Marker: Nibbler
My very own magical creature given to me last Christmas as a gift from Rowena.

Item #1: Gloves
To be used for handling creatures that would be dangerous to touch with bare skin. Helps to protect from bites, burn, poisons, and other potential harmful ailments to the hands.

Item #2: Goggles
The goggles are two-fld in their use. One use is they are perfect for wearing to see underwater in order to care for magical creatures who live in the water. The other use being they're protective eye wear in case a creature spits something rather nasty into your eyes.

Item #3: A Mesh Bag
A mesh bag has multiple uses for care of magical creatures. It can be used as a net to catch creatures, or as a bag to carry around supplies.

Item #4: A leash
To be used for walking around creatures in captivity so that they get exercise and aren't so cooped up that they wind up killing or injuring each other. (Side Note: Not recommended for blast-ended skrewts.)

Item 5: A bass guitar
Used to lull dangerous three-headed creatures to sleep musically.

Part Two: Complete the following quiz about House Elves. 5 points for each correct answer.

1. Please describe the physical appearance of a house elf.
Large bat-like ears, bulging eyes, short, spindly arms and legs
2. Kreacher is the house elf of which wizarding family?
The Black family, and then later willed to Harry Potter
3. What is Hermione Granger making for the house elves?
Elf sized hats and socks and other clothing items
4. How do you free a house elf?
It's owner must present them with an item of clothing
5. What does S.P.E.W. stand for?
Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare

Part Three: Bonus/Extra Credit assignment. For a bonus assignment, knit or crochet a SPEW project that will be sent to our lovely Ms. Mooney as part of this year's S.P.E.W project. You will receive 25 points for your completed project.
To be completed at a later date.

1 comment:

Shelvicious said...

Great marker, I love his little diaper.